Finger Family Genealogical DatabaseLast Update 07/17/2019
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Christopher Finger #5392 |
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Family Line
1758 |
Bottendorf, Frankenberg, Hessen, Germany |
1822 |
Bottendorf, Frankenberg, Hessen, Germany |
approx. age 64
Bottendorf Lutheran parish records via Ulrich Stöhr, letter
Aug. 23, 1988. Subsequently, yr of birth changed to 1758
in letter of 6 Nov 1991.
Christopf F., was born in 1758 in B. as son of Konrad Finger and
Barbara C. Lange and later was "adopted" by his childless godparents in W.
There's still an oral tradition according to which that godfather
Christoph Kuehling has carried his godson in his arms home to W.
Since Konrad F. was a brother of Adam F. who married in 1753 the
daughter of schoolmaster Schmidt, Christoph F. (b. 1758) and
Michael F. (b. 1754) "Fingermichel" were cousins."
[B=Bottendorf; W=Willersdorf; F=Finger]
This is the same Christoph Finger in 'Die Geschichte Willersdorfs
in sieben Jahrhunderten' by Ulrich Stöhr, 1994, p. 110.
The story of the godfather carrying his godson in his arms from
Bottendorf in retold there, in German. Death year from this source.
Death place may be Willersdorf instead of Bottendorf as I earlier believed.
From Tom Finger 12-2-07 in an e-mail:
Again I have looked at Heinrich's journals to be sure I transcribed his information correctly and the following is as he wrote it. There is much that puzzles me as to his spelling of Heinrich and sometimes Henry or the other spelling of Henrich that I see in your records. Also the first Christopher married a Miss Kuhling (dots over the u) which was the same last name of his Uncle who adopted him. And then married a second Miss Kuhling. May have married 1st cousins? Heinrich's brother Christopher who immigrated to Boston married a Miss Eckel there (no first name) This Christopher was born in 1824. My great grandfather Heinrich Finger who was the founder of my family here in America wrote of the oldest member of his family known to him.
first known was... Christopher Finger born in Bottendorf but adopted at age 4 by his Uncle Christopher Kuhling (Kuhling always spelled with 2 dots over the u) Christopher Kuhling lived in Willersdorf. Christopher although adopted retained his last name of "Finger" Christopher Finger at age 18 married a Miss Kuhling (again 2 dots over the u) Who was but 16 years old and they had 4 sons Michael John Jacob & Christopher (there is no further mention of these 4 sons). Then his wife died at some time. He then married a second Miss Kuhling (same spelling with dots). They had 1 son and 3 daughters. Christopher died in 1822 and his 2nd wife died in 1838. The son was Henry who inherited the 66 acre farm b. 1797 (and was the father of my great grandfather Heinrich Finger.) The daughters were Anna Marie, Eva Elisibeth, & Gertrude Elisibeth.
Henry married in 1821 to Elisabeth Imhof b. 3/20/1820. Henry died in 1869 and Elisabeth died in 1877. They had 9 children John, Christopher, Eva Elisabeth, Anna Gertrude, Anna Maria, Henry b. 1837 (my great grandfather). 3 children died in infancy. The eldest John inherited the homestead Christopher emigrated to Boston in 1844. Eva Elisabeth married John Fackiener Anna Gertrude married John Merle Anna Maria married a school teacher John Jost Henry emigrated to New York 1857.
All above notes are from John Vanko.
| Johannes Finger 1665
| Adam Finger |
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| | Anna Katharina Geitz
| Konrad Finger 1734 |
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| | Anna Maria Mueller |
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|- Christopher Finger
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| Barbara C. Lange |
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